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Message: Greetings, Is it possible for me to submit an article for your website on this topic: Should You Buy a Starter Home Before Buying Your Dream Home? Many first-time homebuyers aren’t sure whether they should buy a more affordable home now and improve later, or if they should go ahead and invest in their permanent home, knowing they'll be there for many years to come. To assist your site readers in making the best decision for their finances and life situations, I will discuss some of the advantages and disadvantages of these options in my post. Is this an appropriate topic for your website? Please let me know. All the best, Suzie Wilson Check out my website: Happierhome.net P.S. By the way, if you don't like the suggested topic, please contact me with a topic idea that would be more appropriate for your website. And simply let me know if you don’t like receiving emails from me on guest posts.